What is Sexological Bodywork?
Sexological Bodywork Is a somatic or "body based" modality of exploring pathways, tools and practises that support relationship and connection to your body, to sensation and to pleasure. Sessions are therapeutic in nature as well as an educational journey in the felt sense, towards an increased capacity to feel, to notice, and track sensations, pain and numbness. In this space you get to listen inwardly to the messages from your nervous system & body. There is opportunity here to journey into a deeper sense of YOU, to feel and to recover and/ or heal.
This modality of bodywork is client led and fully consensual bodywork. I am also a trauma informed practitioner and a professional member of the Association of Somatic & Integrative Sexologists.​​
Reasons you might see me for Sexological Bodywork:
Reconnection to self & body
Birth Injury or Trauma
Scar Tissue Remediation
Expressing Sacred Rage
Pelvic Floor Health
Learning about bodily anatomy
Recovering from sexual trauma & abuse
Relationship to creative & sexual energy
Embodying consent & exploring boundaries
Loss of libido/sex drive
Experiencing painful sex
Being witnessed
Building Sexual confidence
Reconnection to womb/body after pregnancy, postpartum, abortion or baby loss

What does a session look like?
Each session will vary, dependant on your needs and intentions. Sessions can be hands off and based solely around exercises or practises that require no touch at all. For some, a few sessions may be required before feeling ready to explore any work requiring touch.
Sessions can also be a mixture of exercises and hands on work, again in a client led manner. Sexological Bodywork can also include internal and/or external genital work, for example some of the work I have done with clients include: Vulva & vaginal mapping (learning about your anatomy), Scar tissue remediation/ massage to perineal episiotomy scars or external work around Caesarean section scarring.